Drying clothes quickly in the winter

Let’s be honest, simple household tasks such as drying clothes become a truly impossible mission in the winter. Lower temperatures and the excessive humidity are factors that directly influence the problem. Then, clothes that usually dry quickly during the summer, can stay damp for longer when the cold comes. It is annoying, I know.

We know the ideal thing to do is putting clothes outdoors. It does not matter the weather. In addition, drying clothes outside causes less impact on the environment. Besides, the natural daylight helps to disinfect fabrics exposed to the substances contained in our favourite detergent or fabric conditioner.

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However, some of us are used to dry clothes indoors for safety or lack of choice. That is exactly what happens to me, living in a flat. So what now?

In this case, we can use simple tactics that seem to be pretty effective such as ironing or putting the pieces behind the fridge and even using the microwave to dry clothes. What? But the result, my friends, is always the same: damp and smelly clothes.

So what to do to get that pair of jeans or favourite shirt dry and ready to wear next day? Follow a few tricks of how to dry clothes quickly just by changing some habits of everyday life:

  • Less is more: wash only those blouses, trousers and accessories that you plan to wear during the week. This way you can save time, space and have clothes dried quickly.
  • The hotter, the better: A good tip on how to have clothes dried quickly is knowing the functions of your washing machine.
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Washing in hot, high temperature facilitates its process. The tumble dryer also provides much better results. Read the instructions to discover a gold mine!

  • Drying with the wind: – I know that living in the UK, it sometimes seems like a non-no task! But if it’s possible, always choose ventilated spaces to dry your clothes. In the winter, we need to think about strategic places, preferably near the window, that will help in the task of how to dry clothes quickly. But the fan can be also a solution for those who can’t count on outside spaces.

If you live in an apartment, a valuable tip is to hang pieces of clothing off curtains polls. Just a bit of fresh air and enough space between them will be adequate to dry clothes fast.

  • 2 in 1: You may have never thought about it, but it is possible to dry clothes quickly while you’re doing another typical day to day tasks such as drying your hair, for example.
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Photo on Foter.com

Use the hairdryer on smaller clothing like socks and underwear. It is definitely an effective technique for those who have no time to waste.

  • Let’s cool it out: Another valuable trick is putting your clothes to dry in the freezer. Simply place them folded in a plastic bag inside the freezer. After some hours, all you then need to do is iron them and voila: you have clothes dried, ready to be used.
  • Photo by Inspired by you from Pexels


Simone Ribeiro
Hi! I'm Simone, a citizen of Britain, where I live for over a decade, and of Brazil, where I was born. Midlands Traveller is where I combine my passion for travelling, business and an Eco-friendly lifestyle.

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