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How to Write a Thesis?


Where does the work on theses and report begin? With the choice of the topic, it is clear. First, the subject of the theses should correspond to the topics of the conference and contain something new. It is better not to take a topic on which there are hundreds of researchers to know more about writing a thesis.

Secondly, it should be as narrow as possible: you need to do a report for 10-15 minutes, and to accommodate at this time everything in the world is unlikely to turn out. The speaker is usually torn between the desire to put forward global conclusions and the need to give concrete examples.

In a bad thesis, concrete examples are either absent or hanging somewhere side by side with such a bow. In good theses, global conclusions are made based on analysis of specific examples. The presentation of global ideas without concrete analysis does not seem to be proof. The analysis of the material without a general idea looks like a school list of facts.

Structure of work

The hardest thing is the first sentence of the work. It needs to answer a simple question: “Why is something that I will write further important”. Usually, they write about the fact that such a problem is important because few people have written about it.

Many well-known scholars wrote, but you saw what they did not see. Significant – that is, those that are different from the ordinary and able to influence the further development of the hypothesis. This is called “scientific novelty”.Works without scientific novelty are abstracts.

That is, if you simply count, what are the points of view on a problem of different scientists – it’s bad. If you managed to somehow systematise them, to highlight the patterns, to describe the reasons – already better, there is an element of independent work. But this kind of work equally loses work, which has an independent study of the material.

Do not be afraid to mark in the introduction what exactly you are going to do: “In this article, we will consider”, “our work is devoted”, etc. These are very good and comfortable turns. By the way, they help to clearly define the topic of work.

The conclusion should summarise the conclusions drawn from the analysis of examples. Or answer the question “Why is it important?” Sometimes it is said that the conclusion is an introduction written in other words and in the past.

But then again, the conclusion is better than none. The conclusion should not be new provisions or examples: it summarises the work already written.

It is not necessary to write the titles of the sections “Introduction” and “Conclusion” in the text itself: this is not a monograph, in work on 2 pages, such a structure looks funny.

Design work

The main rule here is to strictly adhere to the requirements of the organising committee. For example, if the organising committee asks you to arrange the text in 12 Times New Roman fonts with a half interval, then these weird people want the text you sent issued in 12 Times New Roman fonts with a half interval!

And the fields should be not 0.5 cm, but 1.5, 2 or 3! And they follow that! Since these strange people are preparing a layout, it is easier for them to refuse the wrong theses than to deal with their re-registration.

The text should be written competently, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Sadly, we have to talk about it separately.

Usually, the organising committee determines which fonts can or cannot be used.

Capital truth: all citations must indicate the source. The source of the quotation necessarily includes the number of the page of the book where it was taken from. You must specify both the title and volume, the year of publication, and the page number. Imagine that this is far from all …

The text quoted without quotation marks and references is stolen. That is plagiarism. Links to internet sites should be made. We do not require full registration, but the site addresses must be specified. Wikipedia is not a scientific source! This means that reference to it as a scientific source cannot be.

And last: do not wait for the last night on the eve of the deadline.


If the volume of theses is 2 pages then the bibliography should not even take up half the page (yes, there are scientific traditions where this is the norm, but we are talking about the average work for the average student conference).

If you want to list all the works written on your topic, you will not have any place for your work. Therefore, limit yourself to 1-2 most important ones. In principle, in abstracts on 2 pages, the bibliography should not exceed 5 points.

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Simone Ribeiro
Hi! I'm Simone, a citizen of Britain, where I live for over a decade, and of Brazil, where I was born. Midlands Traveller is where I combine my passion for travelling, business and an Eco-friendly lifestyle.

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