The Benefits of using Virtual Reality in Education


The last two years have been challenging for the education system in general. We have learnt that we cannot be restricted to classrooms anymore. We need to be more interactive, updated to the e-learning technologies, and prepared to try more experimental learning activities.

That is when virtual reality becomes a quite good deal for teachers and educators when it comes to making some subjects more interesting to be taught.

The use of software and hardware in auditoriums, theatres, immersive rooms, and planetariums, for educational purposes, is possible with the help of companies such as ST Engineering Antycip.

So, let’s check how it works in practice?  here are some of the benefits that using virtual reality can provide to students and teachers.

Possible Realities

Imagine the class is about travelling out of space. We all know that it will, become a reality someday to make of us. But not yet. Even though, virtual reality can make the experience enjoyable and more “realistic”.

Now, we can travel to Mars – one of the most interesting planets in our solar system without leaving the blue planet. Exploring historical sites and ancient civilisation can also be possible with the help of virtual reality.

Avoiding The Real Danger

Think about chemistry classes and the many times that you thought it would be possible to join certain experiments, but it was not safe enough because of the chemicals that needed to be used on it.

The use of virtual reality will provide a full-experiment experience in the safe of a classroom. Students can now mix elements and observe any types of chemical reactions in a safe virtual lab. Not to mention the experiments that are impossible to be done in the real world.

No Location Restrictions

Imagine experiencing a tour, a visit to a museum, or a historical site without living in your bedroom? This is what virtual reality can do for us. We can experience anything, anywhere, and any time of the day! You can be one day visiting the Aztec civilisation sites, and another day on Mars- exploring the red planet.


Let’s be honest, VR can be quite a bit scary and intimidating for those who never experienced it. We have no idea how it works, and always think that it will be quite impossible to understand how it works. But to the contrary we may think, it is a virtual reality headset is a quite user-friendly tool.

It provides a hands-free environment, with straightforward instructions, providing a 360 experience when simply rotating your head. Virtual reality is for everyone.


When you have the right tool in your hands, it can be used in any kind of device, including low-budget mobiles. VR sets can be made using cardboard or plastic headsets in the most accessible and affordable way that is possible.

There is no necessity to invest in expensive gadgets to have the full experience. This way, it can be provided and available for communities, schools, and groups of study everywhere.

Simone Ribeiro
Hi! I'm Simone, a citizen of Britain, where I live for over a decade, and of Brazil, where I was born. Midlands Traveller is where I combine my passion for travelling, business and an Eco-friendly lifestyle.

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